MODULAR // 2 Formulate 9 Vector 31 Accessories 71 Linear 57 Arena 65 Symbols Key 1, 5 or Lifetime Guarantees for Product Hardware New Product Product Comes with a Bag Illuminated Product Made in Europe Dimensions Guarantee All products are covered by a manufacturer’s guarantee against component failure and defects. We are continually improving and modifying our product range and reserve the right to remove products or vary the VSHFLȴFDWLRQV ZLWKRXW SULRU QRWLFH $OO GLPHQVLRQV VWDWH KHLJKW ȴUVW $OO GLPHQVLRQV JUDSKLF LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG DQ\ ZHLJKWV quoted are approximate and should be used as a guide only. We accept no responsibility for variance. E&OE