MODULAR // 66 Arena Arena Structures The 25mm aluminium tubes of the ARENA modular solution can be DVVHPEOHG DQG ȴ[HG WRJHWKHU WR FUHDWH sections of various shapes and sizes in order to build the foundations of an LPSRVLQJ DQG VROLG VWDQG VWUXFWXUH A wide selection of tubular sections can be supplied to create a bespoke solution WKDW PHHWV \RXU H[DFW UHTXLUHPHQWV // Assembling Arena Components are supplied including nine straight sections, to create the structure you need, based on the type RI WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ \RX VHOHFW Aluminium structure Corner swivel plate UT-SP01 250mm Hook over plate UT-HP250 )RXU ZD\ 7 FRQQHFWRU UT-C40 6L[ ZD\ FRQQHFWRU UT-C65 500mm Curved section UT-C500 1000mm Curved section UT-C1000 Section 250mm UT-S250 Section 500mm UT-S500 Section 300mm UT-S300 Section 750mm UT-S750 Section 1000mm UT-S1000 Section 1250mm UT-S1250 Section 1750mm UT-S1750 Section 1500mm UT-S1500 Section 2000mm UT-S2000 7KUHH ZD\ 7 FRQQHFWRU UT-C35 250mm Foot UT-BS250 )RXU ZD\ FRQQHFWRU UT-C41 )LYH ZD\ FRQQHFWRU UT-C55 45° Triangular foot UT-AF250 90° $QJOH 7ZR ZD\ FRUQHU UT-C21 7KUHH ZD\ FRUQHU UT-C30 &UHDWH WDLORU PDGH GLVSOD\ VROXWLRQV ZLWK $UHQD FRPSRQHQWV