MODULAR // 7 <RXU VWDQG WKH FRUQHUVWRQH of your exhibit &UHDWLQJ D VWDQG WKDW UHȵHFWV \RXU EUDQG LPDJH EXW QRW DW DQ\ SULFH The success of an exhibition is also dependent upon value for money. To make the best choices, you must list your objectives and answer the following questions: - Location : :KDW VSDFH LV DYDLODEOH WR \RX" 1XPEHU RI RSHQ VLGHV" - Design : 7\SH RI PDWHULDOV IDEULF ULJLG RU ȵH[LEOH SDQHOV" Can height be used for communications: use of banners, or allowing increased storage space? :KDW VWRUDJH VSDFH IRU PDWHULDOV EURFKXUHV LV QHHGHG" ΖV OLJKWLQJ QHHGHG WR GUDZ DWWHQWLRQ WR \RXU VWDQG" - Usage: How often will the stand be used? 'RHV LW QHHG WR EH VFDODEOH ERWK VKDSH DQG VL]H " How can you transport it? - Budget : How much budget is available to build your stand? How many exhibitions do you need to attend before costs are recouped? Can the stand be reused in another setting: showroom OD\RXW EDFNJURXQG GLVSOD\ HWF " 0DNLQJ \RXU H[KLELWLRQ SUHVHQFH D VXFFHVV UHTXLUHV D QXPEHU of things: - Set WKUHH WR ȴYH clear objectives, which will guide your Marketing 6WUDWHJ\ GXULQJ WKH HYHQW - 0D[LPLVH WKH YLVXDO LPSDFW ZLWK D JRRG TXDOLW\ VWDQG SURPRWLQJ WKH company’s image (open sides, suspended displays, good graphics, quality materials HWF - Implement H΍HFWLYH FRPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG SURPRWLRQ VWUDWHJLHV before, during and after the event including; emailing, invitations, VRFLDO QHWZRUNLQJ DQG SURPRWLRQDO R΍HUV DW WKH VWDQG Keys to success Whatever the space, Modular products will bring you a wide choice of solutions.