MODULAR // 70 Arena Dramatic Structures Arena has been the structure of choice for the ZRUOG RI VWDJH DQG WKHDWUH IRU PDQ\ \HDUV ΖWȇV versatility means it is used for lighting gantries to regulate lighting uniformly on a stage as well as IRUPLQJ ODUJH JUDSKLF ZDOOV RU DUFKHV %\ FUHDWLQJ \RXU RZQ FRQȴJXUDWLRQ \RX HQVXUH both a secure assembly of your event and bring a touch of originality depending on the layout of WKH HOHPHQWV Great stability Gantries aren’t just for lighting! Get your brand communicating from on high Arena 36 m² - Aluminium structure - Ø25mm tubes - Accessories available Up to 6m long without need for reinforcement 6 m 6 m